Friday, October 11, 2013

Masons 2 year stats!

He is 22lbs 4oz which is the 5th percentile and he was 32 1/4 inches tall which is the 25 percentile. Such a little guy! Dr did ask us to pump him full of calories to help him gain some weight. He is developing fine and right where he needs to be on fine motor skills! Poor guy had to get two shots but as soon as it was over he was fine! So glad he's healthy!


Amy said...

Glad he's healthy too! He's such a sweet little peanut!

Desiree Macke said...

What a peanut! M just had his 18 month stats (and shots - yuck), and he's almost 31 pounds, and 34 3/4 inches tall. M is kind of a giant...